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Difference between vegetable and vegetable

That all doctors remind us of the importance of eating greens and vegetables is a fact. But, do you know what the difference is between one and the other? Can you say what makes each one of them special? Actually, they are foods that are very similar to each other, and this is the reason why the two are often confused. In any case, if you want to know a little more about the difference between vegetables and greens , continue reading this AgroCorrn article and we will tell you about it.

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What is a vegetable?

The vegetables are those vegetables grown in order to serve as food. In fact, the name “vegetable” comes from “garden”, which is where it is grown. In this way, when we talk about vegetables, it is necessary that they are vegetables that have been grown expressly by humans, which leaves out of this category any wild vegetable that we can consume, such as mushrooms or wild fruits.

In this regard, a series of exceptions must be taken into account, which are fruits (both fresh fruits and nuts) and cereals. The fruits are vegetables , and certainly come from the culture conducted by humans. However, fruits are characterized because the only part that is consumed is the fruit of the cultivated vegetable. In this way, when the fruit is harvested, the plant remains intact, which enables it to continue offering more fruit in subsequent harvests.

On the other hand we find cereals , which, despite being cultivated by humans and collected in the form of a whole plant, are not vegetables either . The most visible characteristic of cereals is that the fruit and the seed are practically the same, something that does not happen with legumes (which are considered vegetables).

The legumes , unlike cereals, usually have the seeds within a pod, which is the true fruit of the plant. In addition, due to their amino acid composition, they differ from legumes, which means that they are classified separately from other vegetables .

Vegetables are green leafy

The problem that usually arises when it comes to differences between vegetables and greens is that, in reality, there is not as much difference as it may seem at first. This is because all vegetables are vegetables , although not all vegetables are vegetables . In other words, vegetables are a type of vegetable. Specifically, vegetables are the vegetables that we could classify as “green leaf”. That is, when we talk about vegetables we are referring to lettuce, arugula, cabbages, chard, spinach, etc.

Therefore, it cannot really be said that vegetables are different, but what happens is that there are a number of vegetables that, being vegetables, are not vegetables. Some examples of these vegetables are potatoes and carrots, which in addition to vegetables are tubers; or peas and beans, which in addition to vegetables are legumes.

Why is it important to eat vegetables and greens?

Vegetables are one of the most important foods to be consumed and vegetables are one of the types of vegetables that cannot be missing from the plate. This is because they are a type of food that is very rich in micronutrients (especially vitamins and minerals), which are essential foods to maintain good health despite needing them in very low doses.

A good example of the importance of including fresh vegetables in our diet is found in its high content of vitamin C , one of the most important vitamins when it comes to regenerating the tissues of the human body and that we do not find in any food of animal origin. Despite being a micronutrient associated especially with fruits such as citrus fruits, it is a vitamin that is found in particularly remarkable concentrations in the case of vegetables, although, to take advantage of it, it is necessary to consume the vegetables raw . since the heat of cooking destroys this very important food in any diet.

On the other hand, in addition to vitamin C, vegetables and greens contain high levels of other types of vitamins, such as A, E, K, some vitamins of group B and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron or calcium. What makes this type of food one of the most important that we should consume, since they form the basis of any healthy and balanced diet.

Maria Anderson
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