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+60 animals from the coast

The coasts and coastlines of the world are habitats recognized as incalculable sources of wealth of marine flora and fauna. Without a doubt, the characteristic fauna of the coastline of each and every corner of the planet goes far beyond seagulls, dolphins and turtles. Although these tend to be some of the most emblematic marine animals around the world, there are many more species that turn the coasts into a spectacle of wild animals.

If you want to know the characteristics, classification and curiosities of +60 animals on the coast , continue reading this AgroCorrn article, in which you will also discover which are the most abundant species on the Peruvian and Ecuadorian coasts, as well as on the Mediterranean coast.

You may also be interested in: +25 animals from the Peruvian coast
  1. Dolphins, one of the best-known coastal animals
  2. Animals of the coast that fly: seagulls
  3. Sea turtles
  4. Sardines
  5. Crabs
  6. Animals of the Peruvian coast
  7. Animals of the Ecuadorian coast
  8. Animals of the Mediterranean coast

Dolphins, one of the best-known coastal animals

Recognized worldwide as one of the most emblematic animals in marine and coastal ecosystems in any corner of the planet, dolphins (family Delphinidae) are also one of the most social and intelligent mammals in the animal kingdom.

Common dolphins ( Delphinus delphis ), bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus ) and striped dolphins ( Stenella coeruleoalba ), among other species, are characterized by their ability to use different sounds such as dances and jumps to communicate, orient themselves and even to corner their dams.

Find out more about these marine mammals with this other AgroCorrn article on What dolphins eat and where they live .

Animals of the coast that fly: seagulls

Seagulls are probably the sea ​​birds that we can find more easily on beaches and coasts of any corner of the planet. They belong to the Laridae family, which includes several species, such as the kelp gull ( Larus dominicanus ), the Mediterranean gull ( Ichthyaetus melanocephalus ) and the Andean gull ( Chroicocephalus serranus ).

They are characterized by being omnivorous species, accustomed to opportunistically stealing food and even feeding on waste and garbage that humans leave on the beaches and surroundings, which poses a serious danger to their survival when they ingest plastics and other materials. seriously damaging to them.

Sea turtles

The majestic and impressive sea ​​turtles (Chelonoidea family) abound in the vast majority of the coasts of South America and the Caribbean, as well as in South Africa and India, so they are also very important coastal animals .

There are many species of sea turtles that, year after year, visit the beaches and coastal areas of different regions of the planet to lay their eggs. Among them are the hawksbill turtles ( Eretmochelys imbricata ), the green turtles ( Chelonia mydas ) and loggerheads ( Caretta caretta ), the olive ridley turtle ( Lepidochelys olivacea ), as well as the gigantic leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea ).

Discover everything about these marine reptiles in this other article about Sea Turtles: types and characteristics , with photo and video gallery.


Sardines (family Cupleidae) abound in the coastal areas of almost all the world’s seas, mainly those located in tropical regions. Known by the common name of sardines, various species of fish with scales are included in this group, many of them being one of the most fished species for human consumption.

These coastal animals are characterized by grouping into large banks, in which the numerous individuals of the same or different species cooperate to feed on small planktonic animals, as well as to protect themselves from possible predators.


Among the immense biodiversity of marine fauna, invertebrates of different classes and groups abound on the coasts, seas and oceans of the entire planet. Among them, the group of crustaceans is one of the most representative, including crabs (superfamily Portunoidea) .

Although most crabs find their habitat on the seabed, various species have developed the ability to go outside and thus inhabit beaches, rocks and cliffs in coastal areas. Among the most striking coastal crabs are the colorful Halloween crab ( Gecarcinus quadratus ), the coconut crab ( Birgus latro ) and the giant crab from the Japanese coasts ( Macrocheira kaempferi).

Learn more about Crustaceans, what they are, types, characteristics and examples in this other post.

Animals of the Peruvian coast

The fauna of the Peruvian coast is one of the richest and most diverse on the entire planet, in which we can mainly find various species of birds, mammals and fish.

Birds of the Peruvian coast

  • Peruvian Pelican ( Pelecanus thagus )
  • Black Oystercatcher ( Haematopus ater )
  • Humboldt penguin ( Spheniscus humboldti )
  • Carran inca ( Larosterna inca )
  • Cormorán guanay (Leucocarbo bougainvillii)
  • Nivea Garceta ( Egretta thula )
  • Peruvian Piquero ( Sula variegata )
  • Albatross (family Diomedeidae)

Mammals of the coast of Peru

  • South American sea lion ( Otaria byronia )
  • Ballena jorobada o yubarta (Megaptera novaeangliae)
  • Foca Sudamericana (family Felidae)

Peruvian fish

  • Peruvian anchovy ( Engraulis ringens )
  • Bonito común ( Sardinian Sardinian )
  • Swordfish ( Xiphias gladius )

Here below you can see the images of the animals of the Peruvian coast of these lists in the order indicated in them.

Animals of the Ecuadorian coast

The amazing marine and terrestrial fauna of the Ecuadorian coast includes numerous species of birds, mammals and reptiles that find their natural habitat along the coast of Ecuador , as well as the amazing Galapagos Islands. These are some examples of animals from the coast of Ecuador :

Birds of the Ecuadorian coast

  • Colibrí Esmeralda ( Amaxilia Lucia )
  • Galapagos Penguin ( Spheniscus mendiculus )
  • Rufous-headed Cachalaca ( Ortalis erythroptera )
  • Red-breasted honeycreeper ( Dacnis venusta )

Mammals off the coast of Ecuador

  • Galapagos Sea Lion ( Zalophus wollebaeki )
  • Galapagos Fur Wolf ( Arctophoca galapagoensis )
  • Glove ( Cuniculus paca )
  • Rag-tailed armadillo ( Cabassous centralis)
  • Mofetas (familia Mephitidae)
  • Hairy-nosed bat (Chiroptera family)
  • Giant anteater ( Myrmecophaga tridactyla )
  • Perennial bay ( Bradypus variegatus )

Ecuadorian reptiles off the coast

  • Iguana marina (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)
  • Galapagos land iguana ( Conolophus subcristatus )
  • Coastal alligator ( Crocodylus acutus )

Next, we show images of the animals of the Ecuadorian coast from the lists in the same order.

Animals of the Mediterranean coast

The Mediterranean Sea bathes the coasts of various European countries, as well as North Africa and part of Asia, thus encompassing one of the most diverse marine fauna in the world , among which various species of birds, mammals, reptiles and invertebrates stand out. These are some examples of animals from the Mediterranean coast :

Birds of the Mediterranean Sea coast

  • White Heron ( Ardea alba )
  • Little owls (Strigidae family)
  • Palomas torcaces (Columba palumbus)
  • Andarríos (Actitis hypoleucos)
  • Common Turnstone ( Arenaria interpres )

Mammals of the Mediterranean coast

  • Rorcual común (Balaenoptera physalus)
  • Cachalote común (Physiter macrocephalus)
  • Gray Cauldron ( Grampus griseus )
  • Pilot’s whale ( Globicephala melas )
  • Zífio de Cuvier ( Ziphius cavirostris )
  • Orcas (Orcinus orca)


  • Common gecko ( Tarentola mauritanica )
  • Bastard culebra ( Malpolon monspessulanus)
  • Lizards (Lacertilia family)


  • Holothurians or sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea family)
  • Ofiuras (Ophiuroidea family)
  • Coquinas (Donax trunculus)
  • Dung beetles (Order Coleoptera)

These are some images of the animals of the Mediterranean coast in the order of the lists that we have just seen. In addition, at the end you will see a video from our YouTube channel about coastal animals and you will learn more about several of those that we have explained here.

If you want to read more articles similar to +60 animals from the coast , we recommend that you enter our Wild Animals category .

Maria Anderson
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