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What animals live at the North and South Pole

One of the most inhospitable areas for humans on our planet are undoubtedly the poles, both North and South. They are a part of the world where humans can hardly live well. However, there are other living beings that have adapted perfectly to these cold environments with very little vegetation. But what animals have managed to live in such extreme conditions?

In AgroCorrn we tell you what animals are in the North and South Pole , with lists of names and images, and we explain what differences there are between the two to better understand why there is one animal in one and not the other. In this main image we can see a walrus, a humpback whale, adelaide penguins and a Dominican gull.

You may also be interested in: Where do penguins live and what do they eat?

What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole

Although there is some aspect that may seem obvious, the differences between the North Pole and the South Pole are diverse :

  • The North Pole is the one that is in the northernmost axis of the planet and the South Pole the one that is in the southernmost part.
  • The North Pole is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean and the South Pole by the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Antarctic continent or Antarctica contains the South Pole.
  • Both are very cold and have a lot of ice, but the South Pole is colder than the North Pole, and can reach -25 ºC in summer, that is, in warmer times.
  • This above makes life at the South Pole more complicated than at the North.
  • The South Pole contains great mountains of ice and there is land, but the North Pole is a gigantic floating ice sheet with no land mass.
  • The South is almost deserted, while in the North there is more life.
  • Penguins only live in the South and polar bears only in the North.

What are the animals that live in the North Pole – list

To begin, we show this list of the animals that live in the North Pole , with their common and scientific names, and some photos. As we have indicated before, it is the pole that contains the most life, although there is not as much biodiversity as there may be in temperate forests or jungles.

  • Polar bear ( Ursus maritimus )
  • Walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus )
  • Humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae )
  • Narwhal ( Monodon monoceros )
  • Beluga ( Delphinapterus leucas )
  • Seal (Phocidae)
  • Reindeer ( Rangifer tarandus )
  • Arctic fox or polar fox ( Alopex lagopus )
  • Arctic wolf ( Canis lupus arctos )
  • Arctic hare ( Lepus arcticus )
  • Snowy Owl ( Bubo scandiacus )
  • Musk Ox ( Ovibos moschatus )
  • Arctic lion’s mane jellyfish ( Cyanea capillata )
  • Arctic tern or Arctic tern ( Sterna paradisaea )

In the image below we can see a group of narwhals swimming, a polar bear on a block of ice, an arctic hare jumping and an arctic fox resting on the snow. Also, below you can see a video about the endangered polar bears.

What are the animals that live in the South Pole – list

Finally, here is a list of animals that live at the South Pole of the Earth, with common and scientific names and some images. Many of these animals live either in the waters of the South Atlantic Ocean or in the Antarctic Peninsula.

  • Mites and ticks of various species
  • Dominican Gull ( Larus dominicanus )
  • Antarctic pigeon ( Chionis alba )
  • Adelie penguins ( Pygoscelis adeliae )
  • Emperor penguins ( Aptenodytes forsteri )
  • Albatross of various species
  • Standing Gull, Antarctic Skink or Great Skua ( Catharacta skua )
  • Demero Petrel ( Daption capense )
  • Weddell seal ( Leptonychotes weddellii )
  • Antarctic sea lion ( Arctocephalus gazella )
  • Southern elephant seal ( Mirounga leonina )
  • Leopard seal or sea leopard ( Hydrurga leptonyx )
  • Crabeater seal ( Lobodon carcinophagus )
  • Ross seal ( Ommatophoca rossii )

There are animals such as whales that do not live permanently in this region, but depending on the time of year they stay in the waters at the South Pole or migrate to the North. This is the case of blue whales, fin whales, minke whales, killer whales and southern claderon beaked whale. Find out more about Where the whale lives and what it eats in this other AgroCorrn article.

In the image below we can see a demero petrel flying, a family of emperor penguins, a southern elephant seal surrounded by emperor penguins and a Weddell seal with its young

Maria Anderson
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