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The problem of indiscriminate felling of trees in forests

Deforestation is a serious problem for the health of the planet that affects us all and, although attempts to stop it achieve modest results, they are not able to reverse the trend. The environmental disaster caused by the progressive disappearance of the forest mass causes incalculable environmental losses that are difficult or impossible to recover.

Indeed, rather than talking about trees, we must talk about forests, ecosystems and everything that affects or depends on them, and it is precisely with this approach that indiscriminate or immoderate felling of trees is understood to be much more than a specific ecological attack in a specific area, since it ends up affecting the entire planet. Above all, in addition, because it is a very widespread practice that is carried out on a global scale, with losses of more than ten million hectares of forests. In this AgroCorrn article, we are going to address the problem of indiscriminate felling of trees in forests.

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  1. What is indiscriminate logging – simple definition
  2. Consequences of indiscriminate felling of trees
  3. Prevention of indiscriminate felling of trees – what can we do?

What is indiscriminate logging – simple definition

First, we will answer what is normal tree felling . Tree felling is the process of cutting down trees necessary for human activities such as construction. However, in low quantities compared to the number of trees and the regeneration capacity of forests, this does not have to harm the planet. The problem is in the indiscriminate felling or immoderate felling of trees, which is the type of felling that we are dealing with in this article.

The indiscriminate felling of trees is the process by which the number of vegetation and trees decreases at a rate higher than that at which forests are capable of regenerating, causing deforestation . This practice, which is usually carried out on soils for a specific purpose, occurs for various reasons. Thus, the main causes of deforestation or excessive felling of trees are:

  • Plant another type of tree or crop.
  • Extraction of natural resources; for example, to use wood.
  • Raise cattle.
  • Build on that terrain.

With the passage of time, what happens is that the quality of the soil is finally lost, ending any type of flora or fauna that there was. The felling of trees is something carried out by man since prehistoric times, although the purposes and capacity have varied.

Consequences of indiscriminate felling of trees

Now that we have clarified what this type of aggressive logging is and what the causes of it are, we move on to clarify the serious consequences of immoderate logging :

  • The indiscriminate felling of trees, in addition to supposing the death of the tree, supposes a great loss that is especially dramatic when it comes to centennial trees, the indiscriminate felling accelerates the disappearance of the forest mass , which are great natural sinks of carbon , that is to say that absorb CO2 or carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and renew the air by providing oxygen. It is not by chance that forests are called the lungs of the planet.
  • The different types of forests in the world host indigenous biodiversity, so the disappearance of a good part of the trees in a forest can cause the extinction of species and the corresponding loss of biodiversity ; In addition, on many occasions these were already in danger of extinction, since it is not a process that occurs from one day to the next. To give an example, the United Nations has been warning for years of the danger faced by gorillas in the great basin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, whose habitat is taken by militias, who manage to finance themselves through smuggling of wood and rich deposits miners in the area. Far from being controlled, the problem remains topical.
  • In turn, local populations, which are rural areas, see their natural resources for survival diminished.
  • The clearing of forested areas for agricultural, livestock or timber exploitation in areas of great ecological wealth, such as the Amazon, is another important problem that ends up causing soil erosion and fostering forest fires.

Therefore, the initial benefits of a moderate logging, when turning into an indiscriminate logging, soon turn into major problems of pollution, loss of soil, loss of biodiversity and natural resources that are not remedied or economic in the end. .

Prevention of indiscriminate felling of trees – what can we do?

Indiscriminate logging is a problem of a global aspect and of great magnitude, so that only with a global action and of great magnitude can it be reversed. We can all contribute our grain of sand and any small action, if carried out by enough people, can be a significant change. Among the measures to prevent tree felling we find:

  • Participate in organizations for the natural conservation of wooded areas.
  • Participate in organizations that plant or plant trees in deforested areas.
  • Buy organic products.
  • Reuse the sheets of paper and use recycled paper.
  • Choose digital mode over paper documentation.
  • Avoid consuming products that cause indiscriminate felling of trees, such as palm oil.

If you want to read more articles similar to The problem of indiscriminate felling of trees in forests , we recommend that you enter our category of Other environment .

Maria Anderson
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