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What is the importance of sunlight for living beings

The Sun is fundamental for life on our planet, both for plant and animal forms. The importance of the Sun is paramount, since it is the main energy source, providing light and heat so necessary for plants, animals and, of course, for humans. Therefore, without its presence, life on our planet would be impossible as we know it. In addition, it is essential for the development of many other functions on our planet, such as climatic factors or biogeochemical cycles, which also influence life.

In this AgroCorrn article, we will talk about the importance of sunlight for living things .

What is the importance of sunlight for living beings and the Earth

The Sun is the main and central star of the Solar System , its primary function is to provide light, heat and energy to the Earth. This function is of great importance, since it allows the existence of life on our planet. For example, humans, animals and plants need to regulate their temperature at a biological level and the Sun allows this process.

In addition, the Sun as a source of energy and heat helps to produce certain chemical reactions in the body that allow growth and development in animals and plants that live on Earth. One of these primordial processes is photosynthesis in plants , which allows not only the existence of food for other species, but also oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The Sun not only allows the existence of living organisms, but also the survival of our planet and other planets in the solar system.

Importance of the Sun for humans

Human beings, unlike other animals, are endothermic (or homeothermic) animals, so they do not depend so much on the sun to regulate their body temperature, since much of the heat comes from their metabolism. However, sunlight does influence the body’s metabolism , allowing certain chemical reactions that produce heat or allow the growth and differentiation of some tissues and cells.

Likewise, sunlight helps our body to carry out other functions such as the synthesis of vitamin D (necessary for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus), correct blood circulation, production of hormones, avoid allergies and infections in the skin and improves the immune system . So it is essential for the health of the body

Importance of the Sun for other animals

Animals, like humans, require solar energy to develop. Sunlight influences animals to obtain necessary nutrients, vitamins and heat. For example, sunlight also allows many animals to synthesize vitamin D, as in humans, which is essential for their metabolism. In addition, in animals sunlight has a great influence on reproduction , unlike humans, since in animals the reproductive times are strongly influenced by light and solar energy (unlike in humans, the purpose is merely reproductive).

Another very important factor in the Sun’s heat, particularly in ectothermic animals (invertebrates, fish, amphibians and reptiles), is the regulation of their body temperature . These animals have different adaptations to capture heat or adopt different positions with respect to the Sun depending on the time of year.

Importance of the Sun for plants

The Sun is very important for plants , since it allows them to carry out photosynthesis (thanks to the presence of the pigment chlorophyll in chloroplasts). During this process, the plants are nourished and receive water, light and heat, which is why it is essential for their growth and development.

In addition, in this process they release energy into the atmosphere, necessary for other living beings, and produce food that allows the nutrition of other living beings. Thus, foods such as vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products are produced.

Importance of the Sun for terrestrial phenomena

Talking about the importance of light and solar energy for living beings would not make sense without understanding the importance of the Sun for terrestrial phenomena .

In the first place, the heat from the Sun is essential to warm our planet and thus allow life on it, otherwise we would die from freezing. In addition, heat allows phenomena such as rains, winds, cloud formation or ocean currents and catastrophes or natural disasters , such as hurricanes or fires. These are also very important processes for life on our planet.

Maria Anderson
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