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Types of deciduous trees

Although there are innumerable classes of trees, these can be classified according to the periodicity of their leaves into two large groups: evergreens and deciduous trees. This classification of trees is useful locally and not globally, as it depends on the climate.

Today in AgroCorrn we will focus on deciduous trees, looking at the different types of deciduous or deciduous trees that we can find.

What are deciduous trees

Deciduous, or deciduous, trees are those trees that shed their leaves in the coldest and darkest times of the year, that is, in autumn and winter. The loss of leaves is a system that trees have and use in those times when they cannot photosynthesize, that is, the nutrients available to the plant are limited. Faced with this situation, trees prefer to shed their leaves, since maintaining them is an energy expenditure for them and does not contribute too much, and saving energy to stay alive .

Deciduous trees are really appreciated as ornamental trees, because they offer a great contrast during the year, being very colorful and flowery during spring and summer and letting light pass through their branches in autumn and winter. The best time to plant or transplant them is fall, so that they bloom during the spring.

Care that these types of trees require

As we said, the ideal time to plant, transplant, fertilize or water deciduous trees is autumn. During the winter , we will take the opportunity to prune its most deteriorated branches and prepare it for the spring-summer season. While in the spring-summer season, we will take the opportunity to enjoy its colors and water them from time to time.

What are deciduous trees

  • Cherry ( Cerasus sp.) : Trees belonging to the genus Prunus . With beautiful pink corymb flowers whose flowering signals the end of winter. It has a widely consumed fruit, the cherry tree, which ripens until summer.
  • Almond ( Prunus dulcis ): Also belonging to the genus Prunus . With beautiful pink or white flowers and also widely cultivated for its fruit, the almond.
  • Walnut ( Juglans regia ): tree that can reach up to 25 meters in height. It is also a tree widely cultivated for its wood, its smell, its fruit and its ornamental value.
  • Gingko biloba : tree capable of living for many years and the only species of its kind. Medium in size, being able to reach 35 meters in height with a characteristic pyramid-shaped crown and light green fan-shaped leaves.
  • Prunus serrulata kansan : also called Japanese cherry. It is a small tree, but very strong, also very planted.
  • Judas Tree ( Cercis siliquastrum ): Tree with beautiful pink flowers and very resistant to extreme temperatures.
  • Prunus pisardi cerasifera : it is a highly cultivated plum tree with white or pink flowers that bloom towards the end of winter. It is a tree of Iranian origin and it was imported around 1880.
  • White poplar ( Populus alba ): trees that can reach 30 meters in height. They are characterized by having branches and white bark.
  • Paradise tree ( Eleagnus angustifolia ): fast growing deciduous olive tree with pleasant aroma and foliage.
  • White ash ( Fraxinus americana ): normally large, fast-growing tree, which can reach 40 meters in height. It is characterized by its golden color during the fall.
  • Liquidambar styraciflua : tree characterized by leaves that turn purple and crimson. It is a tree with a slow growth and in the shape of a pyramid, especially during its juvenile stage. They develop on cool and deep soils, but not calcareous and acidic. Its origin is in the United States.
  • Acer platanoides : a well-known and cultivated tree. It has an accelerated growth, with five-lobed leaves that acquire a yellow color during the fall. They are very robust and strong species that resist high pollution conditions and are undemanding in terms of the type of soil, although they prefer them fresh. There are many varieties.
  • Sorbus aucuparia : It is a tree with thick and straight branches, with dark green leaves and red fruits that grow in bouquets. It is a slow-growing tree, undemanding in terms of the types of soil in which they develop and withstands air pollution well.
Maria Anderson
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