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The practice of ecological sports

Sport is a beneficial health practice that is good for all of us and, in principle, doing sport is not at odds with not being ecological , but there are some human examples in which various sports practices have resulted in harm to the Planet. For example, the London Olympics produced as much gas emissions in two weeks as 200,000 European households would have in a whole year; 12,000 tons of waste produces the organization of the Tour de France cycling and the French sailing schools use 800,000 cubic meters a year just to clean the material.

In addition, unfortunately, the manufacturing process of the material used for some sports (skateboarding, skating, sailing …) is often extremely harmful to the environment.

Therefore, as of today, we can put into practice little tricks to play sports in the most respectful way possible with the Planet. Remember that exercising has great benefits for our health and allows us to enjoy moments of relaxation and well-being in contact with nature.

  1. Ecological sports
  2. Bet on ecological equipment
  3. Tips to follow


Ecological sports

If you do not have a favorite sport in mind and you are looking for an exercise that fulfills you to stay in shape, it will be much easier to choose one that does not require a lot of equipment, or that it is not expensive or difficult to obtain. You have many options, depending on your tastes and the level of exercise you are willing to follow. Some examples are: Athletics or, as it is now known, running . All you need is good running shoes, a lot of motivation and stamina and a little help from the weather conditions to go for a run. It is a tough sport, but complete, in which you can meet many people and feel in full contact with nature running through parks or forests.


The swimming is another good example of complete sport for you will not need the salary leave equipment. You just need a comfortable swimsuit (and a hat in many cases) and learn to resist more in the water. Some experts say that it is the most complete sport that exists. Do not forget to practice it in natural environments (although safe) whenever you have the opportunity, rather than in artificial pools that use chemicals for maintenance and cleaning. Although you will have to buy a bicycle, cycling is considered one of the favorite sports of people committed to ecology . It allows us to lose ourselves in wonderful natural landscapes, experience our most natural side and is the greenest means of transport to move around the city. TheMartial arts are equally a good option , we need little more than a kimono and some important defense techniques. Contrary to what many people think, they are not violent sports, but mental and strategic.

Hiking is not an extremely tiring sport , it is one of the most beautiful if we do it in natural environments and it offers us a wonderful possibility to practice it in society, to meet people and talk about the topics we like the most. You will only need comfortable clothes, good shoes and enough water.

Bet on ecological equipment

Maybe you already practice a sport or the one that catches your attention needs equipment. We talk about sports like surfing, skateboarding, skating, rhythmic gymnastics, boxing, skiing or diving. In that case, always try to purchase equipment that has been manufactured in a more environmentally friendly way.


For example, the Spectrum company is revolutionizing the world of skateboarding and has already created 75 parks in the world designed to reduce the amount of carbon emissions, replacing the harmful cement dust (a major producer of carbon monoxide) with recycled materials, such as plastics.

Tips to follow

In addition to the choice of equipment, there are other tips for practicing sports in a healthy and ecological way.

The first is that you must always respect the environment in which you practice sport, especially if it is natural. If you run or ride a bicycle through a forest or meadow, do it in a way that does not harm the flora or fauna of the place , always leave the area clean, do not throw away containers, avoid making a fire and do not leave any type of garbage.

Do you usually use the car to go to the place where you do sports? Don’t do it if you can help it. Use public transport, carpool or better yet, go for a walk around the city, running slowly or by bike , you will get much more fit!


Any type of sport requires special clothing; it is clear that we cannot go jogging in jeans or heels. Choose the right clothes to be more comfortable during the practice: elastic fabrics, breathable shirts and suitable footwear, avoid the cheapest option. It is important that the clothes are resistant and durable and that you do not have to change them every so often.

If you want to read more articles similar to The practice of ecological sports , we recommend that you enter our category of Other ecology .

Maria Anderson
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