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Natural resources that will be depleted before

We have reached the figure of 7,000 million people populating the planet. But this does not end here. The world population will continue to grow. Will the Earth be able to hold so many people? Will you provide resources to all those people? Until when will there be water or oil reserves? More people means more pressure on the demand for natural resources around the world. Mathematics is also called exact science. Because they don’t cheat. And mathematics says it is impossible for finite resources to feed a population that does not stop growing. Mathematics does not lie. What are the natural resources that will run out first? We show you all in this AgroCorrn article.

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The planet is full of water. But most of it is salty water, which cannot be drunk or used to irrigate crops. Only 2.5% of the total water in the world is fresh water. Of that percentage, 70% is in the form of permanent ice and snow. The demand for water will exceed the supply in the coming years. The most indispensable resource for the human being may be one of the first to be scarce.


Oil reserves are finite. This has been known for a long time. Why is it still being used then? Economic and political interests have held back the development of renewable energies, but no more can be expected. In a few years, what experts call “peak oil” will be reached Not even the industry itself dares to deny it. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy, a study by an oil company and therefore surely optimistic, predicts that there is only enough oil for the next 46 years. That is if world production continues at the current rate. In some areas, reserves are already running out.

Natural gas

With natural gas something similar happens to what happens with oil. It is estimated that there are proven reserves to supply the world for the next 58 years. At least that’s what the companies say. If it’s true or if it will end sooner, only they know. What is certain is that the Sun will still be there. And also the wind.


Phosphorus is essential for plant growth. It is a basic component for fertilizers, therefore. Phosphates are only obtained in some countries, such as the United States, China or Morocco. You have to feed the 7,000 million people who live on the planet, for which you have to fertilize the plants so that they produce more food. But scientists at the Global Phosphorus Research Initiative predict that phosphorus could be depleted in fifty to a hundred years. The only hope is that new reserves of the element will be discovered. Or that they are not necessary because new techniques are invented in agriculture.


Aside from the damage done to the environment when it is used, which should be reason enough not to consume more coal, this dirty fuel is also going to run out. Although there are more reserves than oil or natural gas, China and other developing countries continue to increase their consumption of coal, so its demand may eventually exceed supply. Based on the current consumption rate, there is coal for the next 188 years. Are we going to continue polluting the environment for another almost two hundred years?

Other elements

Scandium or terbium are some of the 17 minerals found in the earth, but they are not easy to find. They are used to make objects as different as wind turbines or the electronic circuits found inside smartphones. The exact reserves are not known exactly. Currently, 97% of world production comes from China.

Maria Anderson
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