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Aerial animals: types and names

Surely on more than one occasion you have dreamed that you had the ability to fly, to soar through the skies and to be able to contemplate the world from the heights and that is, flying has been the dream of the human being since time immemorial.

There are many researchers who, throughout history have set their imaginations in motion trying to build machines and mechanisms that would allow them to conquer the sky like Leonardo Da Vinci or the Wright brothers, so that, while human beings continually strive In getting to fly, there are other animals that are born with that ability. You want to know more? In AgroCorrn we tell you everything about aerial animals, their types and names . Don’t miss any details!

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  1. Aerial animals: what they are and types
  2. Birds that are flying animals
  3. Insects that can fly
  4. Mammals that can fly and glide

Aerial animals: what they are and types

The air animals are those who have the ability to fly and move through the air . This does not mean that they live in this element but that they combine various means and territories to develop and subsist, being able to sleep and search for food on land and in water and moving through the air, for example.

The development of this ability is due to their wings, which are limbs or appendages that come out of their body and which, through their movement, allow them to fly. All flying animals have wings, although they are not all the same, and can have different shapes and structures, depending on the type of aerial animal we are talking about.

Birds that are flying animals

This group is descended from dinosaurs and they continue to adapt and evolve to this day. They are vertebrate animals that have a generally lighter bone structure than normal, a characteristic that facilitates their flight. They have four extremities, the two lower ones are legs that allow them to move either by small jumps or by walking according to their species, while their upper extremities are wings. It should be noted that, although all birds have wings, not all have the ability to fly, as is the case with ostriches and penguins . His body is covered with feathers, which provide protection against meteorological factors such as wind, sun and humidity, which also have a light structure.

They are oviparous animals , which means that they reproduce by means of eggs and their diet is very varied depending on the type of species in question, with foods ranging from fruits and seeds to meat forming part of their diet. Some examples of flying animals belonging to the group of birds are:

  • Hummingbirds
  • Cockatoos
  • Palomas
  • Canaries
  • Goldfinches
  • Eagles
  • Hawks
  • Toucans
  • Flamencos

Insects that can fly

Unlike birds, they are invertebrate animals , so it is an exoskeleton that covers their body and supports their organism. Flying insects generally have antennae, wings, and three pairs of legs, although not all meet this description. Their antennae are their main sensory organ, since through them they can perceive the smell, touch and listen to the sounds around them and even locate themselves.

Their wings are usually located on the thorax and are made up of membranes, being transparent and light, although, depending on the species, they can also present some colorations. It should be noted that not all insects use their wings to move and fly, but some simply use them during courtship to attract the female.

Their reproduction varies according to the type of species and can be sexual or asexual, although in most cases it takes place through the laying of eggs, so we can say that practically all insects are oviparous. Regarding their diet, they can consume both vegetables and other smaller insects or even feed on human remains and waste. Some flying animals belonging to the group of insects are:

  • Ladybugs
  • Bees
  • Wasps
  • Beetles
  • Flying ants
  • Butterflies
  • Moths
  • Flies
  • Mosquitos

Mammals that can fly and glide

The bat or chiropter is the only mammal that has the ability to fly. Like the rest of mammals, they are vertebrate and warm-blooded animals . They have four limbs, using the lower limbs to hook and hold on to different types of substrates such as trees or rocks, while their upper limbs have evolved to become wings. These are nothing more than a thin elastic skin membrane that allows them to move through the air. Being thinner than those of birds, they allow them to maneuver more quickly and precisely, although they can also be damaged and tear more easily. However, it can mend and heal in a short time.

They are viviparous , so their young grow in their womb until they are fully developed. Regarding their diet, although there are false myths that all species of these animals feed on blood, the truth is that fruit and insects constitute their main diet and that only three hematophagous species have been found or that feed on blood.

A peculiarity of these animals, in addition to being the only mammals that have the ability to fly , is that they are located through echolocation, which consists of the emission of vibrations, which when colliding with objects obtain the necessary information, such as to the distance at which they are to locate themselves and identify possible obstacles.

It should be noted that there is another group of mammals that, although they do not have the ability to fly, they can travel certain short distances, taking advantage of air currents as a means of transport, we are talking about gliding animals . They are characterized by having little body fat, being small and light animals and by having a kind of skin similar to the wings of bats that they use as parachutes, as occurs for example in the case of flying squirrels, although It is also possible to find species of gliding lizards and even snakes.

Learn more about them in this other AgroCorrn article on What are flying mammalian animals .

If you want to read more articles similar to Aerial animals: types and names , we recommend that you enter our Wild Animals category .

Maria Anderson
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